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The Art of Ageing .jpg
The Art of Ageing 2.jpg

It makes sense that one of the greatest ‘persona’ artists and entertainers of all time – Madonna – is combining both surgical and digital enhancements to create her latest flawless look. An artificial, fascinating and yet highly disturbing contribution to a zeitgeist that is already challenged by the question ‘what is it to be truly human?’


With the rapidly approaching future of artificial intelligence and Technical Singularity upon us – whereby the human combines with machine – icons such as Madonna, the Kardashians, and other influencers, are leading the way in respect to creating a cosmetic and technologically altered physicality that is in alignment with this machine-like immortality on our horizon. The outcomes perpetuate ageless, highly sexualised, automaton-looking clones. 


When we observe individuals such as Madonna et al, whereby we put aside our subjective emotions of like and dislike, we can become researchers of the phenomena that is weaving in and around them. Beyond labelling it a materialistic and ego-driven pathway, what can we discover in more depth?


Our observations and research can provide us with just as many questions as insights – such as how exposure to a life-style like this can unconsciously manipulate our own ideas and desires about ourselves and others. 


It can bring our awareness to the substantial amount of the earth's resources it requires to fulfil such a persona, especially when influencing others to do it en masse. Think what precious human, animal, plant and mineral resources; cosmetic enhancements, make-up, jewelry and clothing takes. Make-up that may be tested on animals, containing mica mined from the still exploited 'child mines', with packaging bound for the rubbish tip. This is just the tip of the iceberg. 


The ultimate though, is the erosion of what is 'normal', beautiful and healthy as far as the natural inner and outer processes of aging, letting-go and death.


Concentrating on our outer appearance to such a remarkable extent, is an ego-consuming activity. And begs the question – how is this disturbing phenomenon (which has been growing exponentially) affecting the world, and how can we as individuals ameliorate it? 

The second series of images  (above) I put together as a counter picture to the other. One may feel the sense of relief that the beauty, character and distinctive qualities these faces provide. Gazing at images of natural faces can help us cultivate a stronger relationship to the 'art of aging' in respect to a life and face that becomes seasoned, interesting and full of soulful maturing. 


In the words of Oprah Winfrey –

"Of course I want to look my best. I want to feel strong and vibrant. But I know for sure that the pathway to your best life isn't the route of denial. It's owning every moment. Staking a claim right now. And, with gratitude embracing the age you are."



Jane Goodall

Maya Angelou


Audrey Hepburn

Georgia O'Keefe

Mother Teresa

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